
For over 25 years we have helped people to find a home that suit their needs.  Read the stories of the people we have helped. 

Tracey’s Story: Housing Option – Adaptation

When Tracey’s husband Bob suffered a stroke, it changed everything for her family. Originally, she kept her job while also caring for their two young children. However, after being released from his twenty week stay in hospital he needed more help than she could give...

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The Turley’s Story: Access Ownership

The Turley’s Story: Access Ownership

The Turley family (Kerr, Alison and their three youngest children) have recently moved into their new home in South Lanarkshire. Claire, their seven year old, is quadriplegic and has cerebral palsy.  In order to cater to her needs the family has had to move four times...

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Lift off – Maria and Sophie’s Story: Shared Equity

Lift off – Maria and Sophie’s Story: Shared Equity

One of the most fulfilling aspects of working for Housing Options is when we are able to see a project through from start to finish, and to find the right house in the right place at the right time! For the past two years, a client from the west of Scotland has been...

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Karen’s Story:

Karen’s Story:

Anyone beginning to lose hope of ever moving to the right house in the right area will take heart from Karen’s story. Karen, who has rheumatoid arthritis, moved into her bungalow in north Glasgow in Spring 2013, and her story shows that patience and perseverance pay...

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