
Read about the latest developments at Housing Options Scotland.

Annual Report (2023-24)

Annual Report (2023-24)

We are pleased to present our Annual Report, covering April 2023 - March 2024.  We had another record-breaking year here at HOS, supporting an all time high number of disabled people, older people and member of the Armed Forces community. The report demonstrates the...

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Q4 Report (2023-2024)

Q4 Report (2023-2024)

You can now read our Quarter 4 Report, covering January - March 2024!   Read the report below to find out the latest news from the CEO, updates from casework, stories from clients and highlights from the past few months. [pdf-embedder...

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Equality in Housing: LGBTQ+ Homelessness

Equality in Housing: LGBTQ+ Homelessness

In this episode, we speak to Edith England (Cardiff Met University) and Neil Turnbull (Cardiff University) about LGBTQ+ housing and homeless. Edith and Neil talk us through their latest research project, which included an extensive survey of over 1000 young LGBTQ+...

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HOS Notice Board: April 2024

HOS Notice Board: April 2024

  What did April look like at Housing Options Scotland? Well, the month started with our busiest ever triage meeting. A record 135 households got in touch with us in March and were assigned to one of our expert housing brokers. The brokers have since made contact...

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HOS at Scotland’s Housing Festival

HOS at Scotland’s Housing Festival

Last week, our Head of Engagement, Pedro, and two of our Housing Options Brokers, Ryan and Greg, went to CIH Scotland’s Housing Festival. The Festival brought together housing professionals from across Scotland to discuss, debate and engage with current housing...

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