Read about the latest developments at Housing Options Scotland.
Who We Are – Scottish Housing Day
This week, HOS is supporting Scottish Housing Day by sharing content about housing as a career of choice. To kick things off, here's a quick video sharing all the different teams and roles that make up HOS. [video width="1024" height="1024"...
Q1 Report (2023-2024)
You can now read our Quarter 1 Report, covering April - June 2023! As our CEO Moira says, "the first quarter of the year saw us get off to a flying start..." Read the report below to find out the latest news from the CEO, from the casework, from the clients and,...
Evaluating Homeless Housing Options Scotland (Years 1&2)
Back in May of 2021, we made our first foray into the world of homelessness, thanks to funding from the Corra Foundation's Third Sector Homelessness Fund. Initially funded for two years, the project has gone from strength to strength, and is now embedded in our core...
Annual Report: 2022-2023
2022-2023 was another bumper year for Housing Options Scotland. With more clients, staff and services than ever - have a read of our Annual Report for a snapshot of what we've been up to, and to hear the stories of some of the people we have helped. ...
Equality in Housing: Ethnicity & Homelessness
Equality in Housing is a new podcast series launched by the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, and Housing Options Scotland. The aim of the podcast is to offer insights and experiences that highlight the work taking place around Equality, Diversity...
Military Matters Funding Update August 2023
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant of £30,000 from the Veterans’ Foundation towards the running costs of our Military Matters service. A real vote of confidence from one of the country’s fastest growing military charities! Our Military...

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