
Read about the latest developments at Housing Options Scotland.

Chatting to Ian

Chatting to Ian

In the lead up to our 25th anniversary we chatted to Ian Haughey. Ian is a mortgage advisor who has worked with us since 2011. Over the years he has helped 100s of our clients to access mortgages. Ian took some time out of his busy week to tell us a bit more about...

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Welcome to Gulmira

Welcome to Gulmira

I’m a third-year occupational therapy student, raised in Kazakhstan and moved to the UK 16 years ago, where I now live with my husband, son and our springer spaniel. Last year I started the occupational therapy course after having worked as an occupational therapy...

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Welcome to Kiyomi

Welcome to Kiyomi

Hello, I’m Kiyomi and I’m an intern at Housing Options Scotland. Based out of Portland, Oregon, USA, I am currently a fourth-year student working toward a public health degree at the Oregon State University. I am completing this internship as part of my degree while...

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Welcome to Sophie

Welcome to Sophie

Hello my name is Sophie; I am a third-year occupational therapy student. I am currently on a peer assisted placement with another member of my class Gulmira at HOS. The HOS team have already been so welcoming and supportive of my learning on this placement, providing...

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Chatting to Sarah – HOS turns 25

Chatting to Sarah – HOS turns 25

We celebrate our 25th anniversary next month. Over on our social media channels, we're talking about 25 times we made a difference. We spoke to Sarah, our Resources Manager, to chat about one of the times she made a difference at HOS. Sarah, what has been a memorable...

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