Read about the latest developments at Housing Options Scotland.
The end of an era: HOS Helps
After just under 2 years, our HOS Helps service delivered for Almond Housing Association is closing its doors as Almond are bringing tenancy sustainment back in house. To mark the end of the project at Almond Housing Association, we produced this report, reflecting on...
Welcome to the volunteer team, Stephen!
We are delighted to welcome Stephen to the Veteran Volunteer team! Stephen joins the team as our 3rd Veteran Volunteer. About Stephen: My name is Stephen Johnston and I am a new volunteer with Housing Options Scotland’s ‘Military Matters’ programme. As a...
Getting to know … Ben Parker
As part of our “Getting to know ..” series, our Head of Engagement & Volunteering, Ben, spoke to HOS volunteer, Robbie. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and your role? “My name is Ben Parker and I’ve worked with Housing Options Scotland since May 2019. My job...
Getting to know … Karen Campbell
As part of our “Getting to know ..” series, our Housing Options Broker, Karen, spoke to HOS volunteer, Robbie. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and your role at HOS? “My name is Karen Campbell, I’m one of Housing Options Scotland’s Brokers. I work alongside...
Getting to know … Sarah Franklin
As part of our “Getting to know ..” series, our Resources Manager, Sarah Franklin, spoke to HOS volunteer, Robbie. Can you tell me about your role at Housing Options Scotland? “My role with Housing Options Scotland is Resources Manager, which is a job that was only...
Getting to know … Jil Dyson
As part of our “Getting to know ..” series, our Senior Housing Options Broker, Jil Dyson, spoke to HOS volunteer, Robbie. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and your role? “My name is Jil Dyson and I’ve been at Housing Options Scotland since August 2018. I started...

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