This month has been a strange one, as we continue to operate through lockdown. Despite this, our volunteers have been keeping active and it’s exciting to see more and more things come together!
Online Researchers
Paula has made fantastic headway with producing two “Your Area” guides for Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire. It has been a pleasure working on the guides with her and we now have a smart looking draft Renfrewshire guide, ready to share with clients and other organisations. Great work!

Our other researchers continue to work away on their guides separately and I’m excited to see more of them come to life over the coming weeks / months.
Housing Buddies
As client visits are currently impossible, there have been less engagements for our buddies to be involved with. Despite this, the broker team have kept in touch with the buddies and benefited from their local knowledge and expert advice on several occasions. Our buddies have also made contact with some clients in this time to check they are coping well in the circumstances. Thank you to everyone for their hard work!
Other volunteering
We have begun to conduct some research about the provisions made for applicants with learning disabilities in allocation policies of housing associations. Tessa, one of our volunteers based in Edinburgh, has begun this project and we are excited to see how it develops.