You don’t get to the age of sixty without having some formative moments. Some of mine seem very small but have influenced our work at HOS.
Last time I spoke about our literal and figurative handholding and now I want to talk about HOSpitality.
Over 20 years ago I was invited to speak to a social work team in the central belt. The invitation was to discuss the work of the Homelink team and the closure of long stay hospitals.
The weather was awful but I battled my way across the M8 in blizzard conditions and was delighted to arrive only slightly late. Everyone else was settled with hot drinks and I was looking forward to a being offered a coffee. Well, it never happened. After 2 hours I was sent on my way without even a “thanks for coming “.
I can still remember feeling pretty small and worthless as I started the long drive home. Anyway, enough of the “poor me ” stuff.
In HOS we recognise the importance of hospitality- to clients, colleagues and anyone that we come into contact with. Pretty much every culture knows that hospitality makes people feel welcome and wanted and valued.
For many of our clients the offer of a cup of tea is the least we can do. Sadly, in some cases it is all we can do.
No matter how difficult your situation seems. No matter how long it has been going on for please allow us to try to help you. At the very least we can put the kettle on.
Moira Bayne, CEO