After just under 2 years, our HOS Helps service delivered for Almond Housing Association is closing its doors as Almond are bringing tenancy sustainment back in house. To mark the end of the project at Almond Housing Association, we produced this report, reflecting on the success of HOS Helps. 

Over the course of the contract, HOS Helps:

  • Helped 160 tenants with a host of problems – from sourcing furniture and white goods for tenants, to helping individuals with hoarding and mental health problems, and applying for grants and funding to ease money and debt worries through the cost of living crisis
  • Received 100% tenant satisfaction feedback during the HOS Helps evaluation we conducted
  • Received overwhelmingly positive feedback from Almond Housing Association staff

The report below also shares some case studies and feedback quotes from tenants. Thank you to everyone at Almond Housing Association who supported the service. If you would like to find out more about purchasing HOS Helps, contact Moira on

HH Final Report (1)