At HOS we are mourning the recent passing of our board member, Bill Gray.  Bill has been on our board for almost three decades.  He has been an integral part of the board and supported the organisation’s move from its former purpose, as Ownership Options in Scotland, to where we are today, supporting disabled people, older people, and veterans to consider their full range of housing options.

Bill started his exploration of Disability Equality in 1988 when the social model of disability first came to Scotland and went on to establish Fife Disability Equality Trainers.  He was one of the founders of The Dunfermline Forum of Disability, Fife Independent Disability Network, a founding member of Dunfermline Advocacy Initiative and Fife Direct Payments Support Group, serving on the committee for all of these organisations.

At HOS we are very sad to lose Bill.  He has made a huge contribution to our charity over the years.  We are sending condolences to Bill’s wife, Margaret, and all his family and friends.