Quarter 1 Report: April-June 2021

It has been another exceptionally busy quarter at Housing Options Scotland, and this report outlines just some of our activity.

CEO, Moira Bayne, said:

The start of the new financial year is like New Year’s Day for us at HOS. We can put the old financial year to bed, following some reflection on what worked well (and what didn’t). We can make the equivalent of our New Year’s resolutions and by the end of Q1 we can begin to measure our progress.


The first quarter of 2021-2022 has seen a lot of positive developments at HOS. From HOS Helps and Homeless Housing Options to our new Military Matters volunteer project, there is lots going on in the team – and the team is growing too!


This report contains masses of information on what we have achieved so far. I hope you enjoy reading it.

You can view the report below:


Q1 Report (2021-2022)