July Updates

At HOS, our brokerage team is dedicated to providing the best possible advice and support to our clients. This support takes many forms, with our guidance tailored to each household’s unique needs. Below is a glimpse into some of the diverse situations our clients have brought to us over the past few weeks, along with the steps we’ve taken to assist them.

We have been working with a client who has been in a wheelchair since 2018 and has been waiting for an accessible house for just as long. They have been in regular contact with their Local Authority, ensuring they had the correct number of points to stay on the waiting list. While waiting, our broker advised them to complete additional local authority applications. During one of our conversations, the couple mentioned that they had some savings and wanted to explore the possibility of home ownership. Our broker promptly connected them with a financial advisor, and they began discussions with him. As a result, they were exploring multiple options simultaneously, hoping to increase their chances of being rehoused.

We also worked with a client who had been served a notice to leave their private let and were engaging with homelessness services. Due to a family emergency, they would need to leave the country and they were very worried about the impact this would have on their being offered accommodation, as they wouldn’t be around to view and sign for any properties. The client was very anxious and confused by the information being given to them by the local authority. The broker spoke to the local authority on their behalf and was able to explain what was going on, and by giving a listening ear, eased much of the client’s anxieties. The client has now moved into temporary accommodation and we are still supporting them to access a more permanent solution.

In another case, we worked with a man who owned his own home but was struggling with the stairs outside his property. He wasn’t keen on purchasing another home due to the additional responsibilities it would bring, so he expressed a willingness to use the equity from his current home to pay rent instead. We advised him to consider sheltered housing options and encouraged him to apply to as many providers as possible. Additionally, we made sure that the Local Authority had the most up-to-date medical form for him, to improve his chances of being rehoused.

Finally, we worked with an older couple who was looking to move across the country from their private let to something closer to their family. Our broker supported them to look at private lets in their chosen area, and provided them with information on social housing providers in the area too. The broker was able to speak to a sheltered housing provider that they had made an application to, in order to check their application. We were able to ensure that this couple had the proper points and shortly afterwards they were given an offer on a property. The couple accepted and are now happy to be making the move where they can receive the support of their family.

“Thank you to Housing Options Scotland for all you do to help people in desperate need of safe secure housing.”

It can be difficult to navigate your housing options alone. Our Housing Options Brokers are here to help and offer free, individualised support and advice. Get in touch or fill our our Get Help form if you need guidance.


Posted on

August 12, 2024