
Read about the latest developments at Housing Options Scotland.

Getting Help from Housing Options Scotland

Getting Help from Housing Options Scotland

The easiest way to get support from Housing Options Scotland is by filling in our "Get Help Form" here: https://housingoptionsscotland.org.uk/get-help/ However, if this isn't possible for you, them please give us a call on our landline 0131 147 1400, leave us a...

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The Importance of HOSpitality – CEO Blog #2

The Importance of HOSpitality – CEO Blog #2

You don't get to the age of sixty without having some formative moments. Some of mine seem very small but have influenced our work at HOS. Last time I spoke about our literal and figurative handholding and now I want to talk about HOSpitality. Over 20 years ago I was...

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“Thank you for helping me…” CEO Blog #1

“Thank you for helping me…” CEO Blog #1

“Thank you for helping me. It meant the world knowing I could get help and I wasn't alone"  This was written to Jil by one of her clients and it makes me very happy indeed because it sums up exactly what we do and more importantly, how we do it. Nearly 10 years ago, I...

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Cabinet Secretary celebrates with HOS in Edinburgh

Cabinet Secretary celebrates with HOS in Edinburgh

On the 22nd of November Housing Options Scotland were delighted to welcome the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Aileen Campbell to their celebration event. Staff, volunteers, board and supporters of the organisation, were all warmly welcomed and...

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If you require support from Housing Options Scotland, please fill out our Get Help form by clicking below.