What did April look like at Housing Options Scotland? Well, the month started with our busiest ever triage meeting. A record 135 households got in touch with us in March and were assigned to one of our expert housing brokers. The brokers have since made contact with all their new clients to see how they can help.


We released a new episode of our award-winning podcast, Equality in Housing. April’s episode was recorded in front of a live audience at CIH’s Scotland’s Housing Festival. At the festival, HOS’s Pedro and CaCHE’s Dr Gareth Young spoke to Rhiannon Sims, then Senior Policy Officer at Crisis Scotland. They spoke about the housing emergency, ideas of home and equalities in the current Scottish housing climate. Listen to a clip below or the full episode here:



We also got out and about to talk about all things housing options. One of our brokers, Ryan, attended the Edinburgh Development Group to share information and advice. Read what he had to say about his visit below –

“I was pleased to attend Edinburgh Development Group last week and share what Housing Options Scotland does and how we can offer housing options information and advice to disabled people who wish to explore independent living. Thank you to Edinburgh Development Group for the invitation to attend and thank you to the attendees for their questions” – Ryan Barclay, Housing Options Broker


Finally, we all travelled to Glasgow to attend a HOS Team Meeting. As a fully remote organisation, it’s always great to get together and catch up, share the work we’ve all been doing and think about what’s coming up next at HOS.