Housing Options Scotland is now providing a more inclusive way for our clients to access our website and Get Help form.

As part of our commitment to making our service as accessible as possible, anyone accessing our website can now customise it to meet their needs, using our accessibility toolbar provided by Recite Me.

With a client group focusing on disabled people and older people, it’s essential that we break down barriers in the ability to access our service.

The Recite Me assistive toolbar on the Housing Options Scotland website includes screen reading functionality, multiple reading aids, customizable styling options, and an on-demand live translation feature that boasts over 100 languages including 65 text-to-speech and styling options.

Pedro Cameron, Head of Engagement says, “Accessibility and Inclusion are extremely important to us here at HOS. It’s essential that we make our housing advice available to as many people as possible. This is just one way we are doing that.”

To explore our accessibility support tool, click the Accessibility Tools button in the Menu bar at the top of the website.

We welcome any feedback on how we can make our service even more accessible!